Tag Archives: dance

DIY Ruffle Skirt Tutorial…Yay or Nay


Okay, you’re going to have to comment on this one. Yes you. You who always reads my blog without ever commenting. I see you there trying to hide behind your screen.

Last week Mr.LessPinningMoreDoing and I were asked to perform a mambo for a fundraiser thing at our church. For the occasion, I made this skirt, along with multiple unfortunate facial expressions.


The ruffle skirt is made from 2 thrift store tablecloths, a scarf and an old stretchy t-shirt. {I blame my mother, the queen of costumes.} Since I was kind of making it in a hurry, I did not take any pictures during the process. Well, that and the fact that I just made it up as I went.

Your commenting assignment is this: Would you or would you not like me to post a tutorial for creating one? This would require making another in order to take pictures, so if nobody is interested, then I won’t bother. {Because what would I ever do with two?!} But if ya’ll are, I’m happy to do it.

Ready. Set. Vote.