Tag Archives: bathroom

Painting Ceilings


As if painting ceilings weren’t torture enough, one day the devil woke up and said, “I have a brilliant idea! Heavily textured ceilings!”


Evil, I tell you. So evil.

And whose idea was it to paint the ceiling anyway?! I’m going to have words with her!

In other news, if you happen to buy too much paint for a project, say…like 1 1/2 gallons too much paint…and you decide to keep it on hand, might I suggest storing it indoors at a nice room temperature and not in the garage where it has the potential to freeze during the winter, so that when you need it again a year later and you open it to use it, it is still…well…usable. Not that I would know anything about that.

In other other news, Mr. LessPinningMoreDoing vetoed adding glitter to the ceiling paint, much to the dismay of sparkly fans everywhere.

Trying Not to Bite the Dust


I present to you PROOF that I am actually working on something and not just neglecting the blog for naught. And when I say “something” I kind of mean something big:


Photo courtesy of my super awesome 9 year old

Ain’t that smexy?! #1 – the bandana is because I did not want to wash my hair. Again. For the third time in less than 24 hours due to sanding mud yesterday and teaching a Zumba (R) class this morning. #2 – the face mask is for the dust that I did not want to coat my lungs with. I’m high maintenance like that. #3 – the glasses are because while I was working on sanding the ceiling, the dust liked to land in my eyes. #4 – those are headphones. For rockin’ tunes. And if you’d like to come mud and tape and sand with me, you, too, can have your own super smexy getup!

Random fact: the first time I learned to mud and tape new drywall was when I was twelve. It’s no more fun now than it was then.

Someday I will show you what it is I’m working on and maybe even tell you all about it. But for now, I’ll leave you this clue: it starts with a “B” and ends with an “athroom.”

In the meantime, go cook some corn in a cooler. It turns out AWESOME and is easier even than putting on the pounds in a donut shop!

There, now I feel as though I’ve done my Pinterest duty and can go to bed.

You know what? I think I’m going to tag this post under hair because surely someone wants to recreate this amazing look, right?! ;)