Tag Archives: Thomas Zimmer

Wanderlust Wednesday: Sylt Island, Germany or Random Place in Ireland?


I know I’ve been MIA for a while. I’ve just been enjoying life with my family, doing things like frosting and eating sugar cookies right before bed. I mean really, how could you not with happy faces like these?!

But I’m back, and seeing how today is Wednesday, let’s get on to wanderlusting with a new stunning picture I’ve pinned to my Pinterest travel board, shall we?

The caption under the picture that I pinned reads “There is a place in Ireland where every two years on June 10-18 the stars line up with this bridge. It’s called heavens trail.”

However, when clicking through, you will come to a page with this caption instead: “Milky Way – Germany on Sylt Island in the North Sea in November, 2010, by a talented photographer called Thomas Zimmer.”

However, when clicking through the link on that page to try and find the original, you once again find the Ireland reference. Repeatedly.

Now, due to the Germany caption actually having photographer info, I’m more apt to believe it, but who knows? Do you? If you do, then share where this is in the comments please please please!

UPDATE: Thomas Zimmer in Germany it is! Here is a post with more info about the photo (go read it – it’s really interesting!). If you’d like to see more of Zimmer’s photography, you can find it here.